Release Notes SNAG-View 4.3.1
von Michael Rütten
SNAG-View 4.3.1 Release Notes

# SV4 4.3.1 Release Notes
Release date: 2025-01-23
Bugfix Release
## Improvements
- #2111 Distribution chart widget should allow state type selection for devices
- #1862 Rating: Value for measurement "nagios_state" should be restricted to digits 0 to 3
- #1914 Telegraf distribution refactoring
## Bugs
- #2145 Current assigned sector not shown in device form
- #2132 System type does not change directly
- #2113 Can not download installation files for unmanaged telegraf (svchecks, telegraf)
- #2168 Creation of output plugin produces wrong url for the snagview server
- #2046 Device editor closes on save when entries are faulty
- #2151 Execute Config - database field is to small
- #2164 Image already exists, if name not changed
- #2122 Creating a telegraf template does not save values for "send timeout" and "flush interval"
- #2160 Filter Error: "Unknown column '' in 'WHERE'"
- #2060 \n not interpreted as newline break
- #2181 New created sensor do not leave pending state
- #2108 Automation history shows only a maximum of 50 objects
- #2072 Missing help for "telegraf version" and "svchecks version" in form "create telegraf"
- #2174 Search result not visible copying performance graph configuration
- #2136 Can not assign image to device template
- #2090 No character limitation for "Frequency" and "Max" in Actions
- #2094 The telegraf port should only be integer
- #2133 Performance graph line is incorrect if sensor switched back and force between telegrafs
- #2093 Negative numbers for sensor, metric buffer/ limit are allowed
- #2078 Telegraf - Agent configuration: Field "metric buffer limit" will be validated only on saving
- #2150 Dashboard home-view buttons not working
- #2087 Header Key help text has wrong character limitations
- #2008 Migrationtool - wrong parameternames with underline
- #2104 Notification escalation cannot read time periods with empty days
- #2128 False message "This field is required" for name if creating sensor from sensor template
- #2075 Missing validation for telegraf install and command paths
- #2019 Filter does not work in bookmarks
- #2067 Missing "Method" in webhook execution breaks execution list view
- #2105 When creating a telegraf template defined users and teams are not persisted
- #2091 Missing timeperiod is not intercepted properly
- #2118 Complex filters (e.g. comparison of “state” and “startup_mode” for metrics of Windows services) cannot be created
- #1842 The sort selection field for filters shows non-matching options for sorting
- #2103 "Home View" can not be empty
- #2030 The “Home View” in User Settings does not allow a '%' or '?' char
- #2050 Recovery message is send even if deactivated
## Internal
- #2167 tributejs repository is gone - frontend can not be build any more
- #2035 Implement command cypress tests
- #2040 Implement tag cypress tests
- #2037 Implement sector cypress tests
- #2042 Implement timeperiod cypress tests
- #2038 Implement sensor cypress tests
- #2043 Implement vault cypress tests
- #2041 Implement telegraf cypress tests
- #2034 Implement approval cypress tests
- #2036 Implement device cypress tests
- #2039 Implement sensor template cypress tests